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MB Sample ID: SA202390

Local Sample ID:BW45-20
Subject ID:SU002194
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606

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Treatment ID:TR002206
Treatment Summary:This was a multi-center, prospective, single-arm phase I/Ib safety trial. Patients eligible for treatment had to be diagnosed with non-metastatic, biopsy-proven p16-negative histology squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, or hypopharynx, and had to be eligible and amenable to surgical resection. This study enrolled using a 3+3 model. Patients received one dose of neoadjuvant Durvalumab 1500 mg approximately 3-6 weeks before standard-of-care surgery given concurrently with the first dose of radiation (RT). The starting RT dose level was 6 Gy for 2 fractions (12 Gy total) every other day over approximately one week to sites of gross disease (Table 1) to minimize exposure to normal tissue. If toxicity developed and surgery was delayed by more than 6 weeks due to treatment toxicity (qualifying as a DLT), the radiation dose was set to be dropped per protocol for the next set of patients. If this dose was tolerated, the dose was increased to 6 Gy for 3 fractions (18 Gy total) for the next 3 patients. Patients proceeded to surgical resection approximately 3-6 weeks after radiation as recommended by the ENT surgeon. Post-operatively, pathology was reviewed at the multi-disciplinary head and neck conference, and the need for adjuvant therapy was discussed. For the first 8 patients, all patients were given adjuvant therapy based on presenting features. However, after patient 8, adjuvant therapy was dictated based on high-risk pathologic features as per the NCCN guidelines and treating physician recommendations. Adjuvant radiation included intensity-modulated radiation therapy of 60 Gy in 2 Gy once-daily fraction size once-daily fraction size (total of 30 fractions). If indicated, adjuvant systemic therapy included cisplatin or other cytotoxic chemotherapy or targeted biologics (Cetuximab) per physician discretion. All patients received adjuvant durvalumab to be initiated approximately 6-12 weeks post-surgery. It was given as 1500 mg intravenously once every 4 weeks for a maximum of 6 doses, or until progression, toxicity, or withdrawal from study. This was delivered either as monotherapy or concurrently with adjuvant radiation +/- systemic therapy for high-risk patients. Safety and toxicity evaluations were done throughout the study process. DLTs and adjustment of radiation doses were done during the neoadjuvant period.