Summary of Study ST002492

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001609. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8QH77 This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST002492
Study TitleComposition of raw plant-based food items
Study TypeComposition of food
Study SummaryThe goal of this study was to use metabolomics as a platform to elucidate the chemical composition of plants in order to increase their resolution and in turn use the identified chemicals to reveal potential health impacts. 20 plant foods were studied: apple, banana, tomato, lettuce, strawberry, carrot, peach, onion, spinach, pepper, corn, garlic, basil, potato, soybean, black bean, olive, chickpea, sugarbeet, and pear.
Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology
DepartmentDepartment of Physics
Last NameBarabasi
First NameAlbert-Laszlo
Address177 Huntington Ave, 11th Floor, Boston, MA, 02115, USA
Submit Date2023-02-21
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2023-02-27
Release Version1
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Albert-Laszlo Barabasi application/zip

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Subject type: Plant; Subject species: Malus domestica;Musa acuminata;Solanum lycopersicum;Lactuca sativa;Fragaria x ananassa;Daucus carota;Prunus persica;Allium cepa;Spinacia oleracea;Capsicum annuum;Zea mays;Allium sativum;Ocimum basilicum;Solanum tuberosum;Glycine max;Phaseolus vulgaris;Olea europaea;Cicer arietinum;Beta vulgaris;Pyrus communis (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Species Variety
SA249078FB06135220Apple Gala
SA249079FB06135232Apple Gala
SA249080FB06135221Apple Gala
SA249081FB06135214Banana Cavendish
SA249082FB06135217Banana Cavendish
SA249083FB06135223Banana Cavendish
SA249084FB06135280Basil Sweet
SA249085FB06135287Basil Sweet
SA249086FB06135279Basil Sweet
SA249087FB06135266Black bean Black Turtle
SA249088FB06135225Black bean Black Turtle
SA249089FB06135258Black bean Black Turtle
SA249090FB06135227Carrot Imperator
SA249091FB06135238Carrot Imperator
SA249092FB06135255Carrot Imperator
SA249093FB06135254Chickpeas Kabuli
SA249094FB06135294Chickpeas Kabuli
SA249095FB06135249Chickpeas Kabuli
SA249096FB06135236Corn Dent bicolor
SA249097FB06135283Corn Dent bicolor
SA249098FB06135242Corn Dent bicolor
SA249099FB06135276Garlic Softneck
SA249100FB06135277Garlic Softneck
SA249101FB06135228Garlic Softneck
SA249102FB06135235Lettuce Iceberg
SA249103FB06135253Lettuce Iceberg
SA249104FB06135237Lettuce Iceberg
SA249105FB06135302Olives Manzanillo
SA249106FB06135303Olives Manzanillo
SA249107FB06135282Olives Manzanillo
SA249108FB06135262Onion Yellow
SA249109FB06135259Onion Yellow
SA249110FB06135260Onion Yellow
SA249111FB06135250Peach Yellow
SA249112FB06135229Peach Yellow
SA249113FB06135263Peach Yellow
SA249114FB06135274Pear Green Anjou
SA249115FB06135299Pear Green Anjou
SA249116FB06135244Pear Green Anjou
SA249117FB06135271Pepper Bell
SA249118FB06135272Pepper Bell
SA249119FB06135264Pepper Bell
SA249120FB06135285Potato Russet
SA249121FB06135286Potato Russet
SA249122FB06135231Potato Russet
SA249123FB06135288Soybean Yellow
SA249124FB06135243Soybean Yellow
SA249125FB06135234Soybean Yellow
SA249126FB06135270Spinach Bloomsdale
SA249127FB06135269Spinach Bloomsdale
SA249128FB06135241Spinach Bloomsdale
SA249129FB06135230Strawberry Honeoye
SA249130FB06135219Strawberry Honeoye
SA249131FB06135251Strawberry Honeoye
SA249132FB06135261Sugarbeet Detroit Red
SA249133FB06135301Sugarbeet Detroit Red
SA249134FB06135300Sugarbeet Detroit Red
SA249135FB06135215Tomato Globe Type
SA249136FB06135224Tomato Globe Type
SA249137FB06135256Tomato Globe Type
Showing results 1 to 60 of 60