Summary of Study ST000051
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR000049. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8W88R This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
Study ID | ST000051 |
Study Title | Fetal metabolomic signature of exposure to iAs during pregnancy |
Study Type | Metabolomics |
Study Summary | This metabolomics pilot study was aimed to identify a fetal metabolomic signature of exposure to iAs during pregnancy. Fetal cord blood serum was collected immediately after delivery from a saline cleaned umbilical cord using an anticoagulant-free vacutainer tube, after clot formation the tube was centrifuged at 1200 rpm and the serum was collected and stored at -70°C. A subset of 50 cord serum samples were selected from the larger BEAR cohort to represent a wide range of iAs exposure as determined by iAs in drinking water (DW-iAs). The exposure during pregnancy was confirmed using U-tAs. A total of 50 cord blood serum samples were used in the metabolomics analysis The samples included 25 newborns with lower maternal iAs exposure levels (DW < 25?g As/L, mean U-tAs=16 ?g/L) and 25 newborns with higher maternal iAs exposure levels (DW> 25?g As/L, mean U-tAs =107 ?g/L). |
Institute | University of North Carolina |
Department | Systems and Translational Sciences |
Laboratory | Sumner Lab |
Last Name | Sumner |
First Name | Susan |
Address | Eastern Regional Comprehensive Metabolomics Resource Core, UNC Nutrition Research Institute, 500 Laureate Way, Kannapolis, NC, 28081 |
susan_sumner | |
Phone | 704-250-5066 |
Submit Date | 2014-04-30 |
Num Groups | 2 |
Total Subjects | 50 |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | fid |
Uploaded File Size | 31 M |
Analysis Type Detail | NMR |
Release Date | 2018-08-27 |
Release Version | 1 |
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Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP000065 |
Sampleprep Summary: | Fifty (50) µl of 0.9% NaCl solution containing 4mM sodium formate (Chemical Shift Indicator) and 0.2% NaN3 (to inhibit bacterial growth) in D2O was pipetted into each of the 50 serum samples (150 µl aliquots). Each 200 µl sample was vortexed for 30 seconds and transferred into 3mm NMR tubes (Bruker Bio-Spin, Germany). Pooled serum samples for each phenotype were made by combining 12 µl aliquots from each of the study samples in the phenotypic group (low and high) into two separate eppendorf tubes. A combined total pooled sample was also prepared by combining 6 µl aliquots from all samples into an eppendorf tube. The pooled samples were prepared as described above and were used as quality check (QC) samples. |
Sampleprep Protocol Filename: | Fetal_Metabolomics_of_iAs_exposure_Metabolomics_Procedure.docx |
Processing Method: | Dilution with D2O containing 0.9% NaCl and 4 mM Formate |
Processing Storage Conditions: | On ice |