Summary of Study ST001972

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001253. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8R98V This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST001972
Study TitleAnalytical methodology for a metabolome atlas of goat’s plasma, milk and feces using 1H-NMR and UHPLC-HRMS:NMR/feces
Study SummaryMetabolomics has been increasingly used in animal and food sciences. Animal health is one of the most important factors that can also alter animal integrity and welfare. Some studies have already investigated the link between health and metabolic profile of dairy animals. These studies in metabolomics often consider a single type of sample using a single analytical platform (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance or Mass Spectrometry). Only few studies with multi-platform approaches are also used with a single or a multi type of sample, but they mainly consider dairy cows metabolome although dairy goats present similar diseases, that it could be interesting to detect early to preserve animal health and milk production. This study aims to create a metabolic atlas of goat plasma, milk, and feces, based on healthy animals. Our study describes a Standard Operating Procedure for three goat matrices: blood plasma, milk, and feces using multiple platforms (NMR (1H), UHPLC (RP)-MS and UHPLC (HILIC)-MS) that follows a unique sample preparation procedure for each sample type to be analyzed on multi-platforms basis. Our method was evaluated for its robustness and allowed a better characterization of goat metabolic profile in healthy conditions.
Last NameMartias
First NameCecile
Address10 Boulevard tonnelé, Indre et Loire, 37000, France
Submit Date2021-09-27
Analysis Type DetailNMR
Release Date2022-01-02
Release Version1
Cecile Martias Cecile Martias application/zip

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Subject ID:SU002052
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Capra hircus
Taxonomy ID:9925
Species Group:Mammals