Summary of Study ST000640

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR000458. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8VG74 This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST000640
Study TitleTargeted NEFA in American Indian Adolescents (part I)
Study SummaryThe goal of this study is to determine the effect of physical activity on the blood concentrations of several compounds that are proposed to be markers of diabetic risk. We will compare results from normal weight and obese American Indian adolescents, with high or low habitual physical activity. We will also compare the same blood markers in the obese group before and after 4 months of exercise to measure the benefit of the program.
Mayo Clinic
Last NameShort
First NameKevin
AddressUniversity of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 1200 Children’s Ave, Suite 4500 Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Submit Date2017-06-23
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2021-01-19
Release Version1
Kevin Short Kevin Short application/zip

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Project ID:PR000458
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M8VG74
Project Title:Biomarkers of diabetes risk in children: role of obesity and exercise
Project Summary:This proposal addresses a gap in knowledge about biomarkers for insulin resistance and diabetes. It remains unclear why some populations develop diabetes at higher rates than others and whether prevention and treatment strategies should also differ. The main goal of the current study is to determine the impact of body composition and physical activity on biomarkers for insulin resistance in American Indian adolescents. We propose to use a targeted metabolomic approach to measure amino compounds and fatty acids in plasma. We will address these goals by exploring two Specific Aims: 1. To determine the effects of obesity and physical activity on circulating biomarkers for diabetes and metabolic disease risk in American Indian youth. Plasma samples used for measurements of amino compounds and fatty acids will be acquired from boys and girls 11-21 years old classified as, a) obese, low habitual physical activity and low fitness; b) normal weight, low habitual physical activity and low fitness; or, c) normal weight, high habitual physical activity and high fitness. 2. To determine the impact of exercise training on circulating biomarkers for diabetes and metabolic disease risk in obese American Indian youth. The same obese group tested in the cross-sectional comparison in Aim 1 will complete 16 weeks of aerobic exercise training. Plasma samples acquired before and after training will be used to measure amino compounds and fatty acids. The results of this project will provide novel information about the metabolic changes associated with insulin resistance, obesity, and physical activity in young people who are at risk for, but have not yet developed cardiometabolic disease. The study design takes advantage of, and supports the scientific partnership among investigators at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, and Mayo Clinic Rochester. This will set the stage for future lifestyle intervention studies to further explore the concepts outlined in this proposal.
Institute:Mayo Clinic
Last Name:Short
First Name:Kevin
Address:University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 1200 Children’s Ave, Suite 4500 Oklahoma City, OK 73104


Subject ID:SU000663
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Species Group:Mammals


Subject type: Human; Subject species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Time Study Group
SA036015133baseline normal weight reference group
SA036018125baseline normal weight reference group
SA036019123baseline normal weight reference group
SA036040129baseline normal weight reference group
SA036041127baseline normal weight reference group
SA036045131baseline normal weight reference group
SA036141119baseline normal weight reference group
SA036142121baseline normal weight reference group
SA03601197baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03601295baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036013117baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03601687baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03601715baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602011baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602117baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602273baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602321baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602531baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602613baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03603389baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03603693baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03603833baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03604277baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03604375baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03604623baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036047115baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036048113baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03605091baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036052111baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03605399baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03605735baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03605837baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03606181baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03606279baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03606541baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03606639baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03606725baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03606849baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03606951baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03607247baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03607343baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03607445baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03608127baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03608355baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03608853baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03609457baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03610065baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03610163baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036103101baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03611059baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03611161baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03611429baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA0361211baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA0361233baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA0361297baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03613067baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036132107baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036133109baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03613769baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03613883baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036140103baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036147105baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03615171baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03615285baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA0361549baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03615519baseline Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036014153baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036051151baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036056155baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036082157baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036084137baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036085163baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036086159baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036087161baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036093139baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036095141baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036096167baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036097145baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036098143baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036104135baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036106177baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036107165baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036113175baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036115171baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036116173baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036122169baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036125147baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036139149baseline Overweight/Obese 5 week exercise program
SA036007108post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03600886post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03600912post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03601010post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602458post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA036027102post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602866post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03602964post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA0360304post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03603130post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA0360322post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
SA03603460post-program Overweight/Obese 48 week exercise program
Showing page 1 of 2     Results:    1  2  Next     Showing results 1 to 100 of 153


Collection ID:CO000657
Collection Summary:Male and female American Indians 11-21 years old are being recruited from the Choctaw Nation Health Service Area of southeast Oklahoma. We use a collaborative approach as recently described by our American Indian Programs Coordinator (12). The primary characteristics of the three study groups are shown in Table 1. Group 1 is obese (Body mass index, BMI, ≥95th percentile for age- and sex-specific norms based on growth charts from the Centers for Disease Control), with pubertal maturation level ≥Tanner Stage 2, family history of T2D, and recent history of low physical activity. Low physical activity, defined as attaining <30 minutes of structured moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise on 3 days/week over the preceding 3 months, is confirmed through questionnaires and use of an accelerometer. Groups 2 and 3 are both classified as normal weight (BMI greater than 20th and less than 85th percentile) with maturation level ≥Tanner Stage 2. Group 2 will have low physical activity (same as Group 1), while Group 3 will have high physical activity, defined as >30 minutes of structured moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise on >3 days/week in the preceding 3 months. Additional eligibility criteria are: lack of diabetes or other potentially confounding metabolic disorders, able to safely exercise, willingness to complete the testing and participation schedule, and not on medications known to impact the stated outcomes. A medical history and physical exam is performed to assure suitability for the study during the initial screening.
Sample Type:Blood


Treatment ID:TR000677
Treatment Summary:Only Group 1 participants continue on to the exercise training program, which lasts 48 weeks. Follow-up measurements of the clinical and functional tests are performed at 16, 32, and 48 weeks; values at 16 weeks will be used for the current proposal to assure adequate sample size. Exercise sessions are performed at the Choctaw Wellness Centers, where fitness professionals provide instruction and supervision. Participants receive incentives for completing 20-60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on 3 days per week. MVPA is defined as exercise that elicits a heart rate ≥ 70% of peak heart rate. Several types of exercise can be selected, including walking, running, cycling, aerobic dance or other activities. To promote healthy behavior within the community and foster social support, all participants are invited to exercise with family members or friends if they choose. Exercise intensity is monitored by recording heart rate with a chest strap transmitter that outputs to a computer for quantification and data storage. Training sessions are also recorded in an exercise log by each participant and confirmed by fitness center staff.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP000670
Sampleprep Summary:Part 1: Longer-term exercise training study: Samples #1-133. Overweight/Obese adolescents (IDs 434-001 through 434-132) enrolled into a 48-week exercise program (3 days per week). Samples submitted are from the pre-training (Baseline) and the end of the first 16 weeks (Post-training) times. Compliance with the exercise program varies widely among participants. An additional set of normal weight reference group adolescents (IDs 434-301 through 434-308) are included. Note that 15 OW/OB participants in the exercise group and all 8 NW reference group participants have only a single baseline sample. All samples were collected following overnight fast into EDTA (lavender top) glass tubes for preparation of plasma, kept on ice 20 minutes, spun, aliquoted and then kept frozen. None have been previously used. Part 2: Short-term exercise training study: Samples with ID 11xxx. Overweight/Obese adolescents completed a short-term exercise program, consisting of 10 sessions over 5 weeks. Samples were collected following overnight fast, before (Baseline) and after (Post-training) the training program. These samples are serum since plasma was used for other analyses. All tubes are marked with a unique ID number (shown in list below) in black marker. Additional sample details on the labels are listed in the accompanying Excel spreadsheet.

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN000972
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase
Chromatography system Agilent 1290 Infinity
Column Waters Acquity BEH C18 (150 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
MS instrument type Triple quadrupole
MS instrument name Agilent 6460 QQQ
Units uM


Chromatography ID:CH000697
Instrument Name:Agilent 1290 Infinity
Column Name:Waters Acquity BEH C18 (150 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase


MS ID:MS000867
Analysis ID:AN000972
Instrument Name:Agilent 6460 QQQ
Instrument Type:Triple quadrupole