Summary of Study ST002254
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001442. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8B71S This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
This study contains a large results data set and is not available in the mwTab file. It is only available for download via FTP as data file(s) here.
Study ID | ST002254 |
Study Title | Maternal obesity alters offspring liver and skeletal muscle metabolism in early post-puberty despite maintaining a normal post-weaning dietary lifestyle |
Study Summary | Maternal obesity (MO) during pregnancy is linked to increased and premature risk of age-related metabolic diseases in the offspring. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms still remain not fully understood. Using a well-established baboon model of MO, we analyzed tissue biopsies and plasma samples obtained from post-pubertal offspring (3-6.5y at sample collection) of MO mothers (n=19) and from control animals born to mothers fed a standard diet (CON, n=13). All offspring ate normal chow diet after weaning. With an untargeted gas chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomics profiling, we quantified a total of 351 liver, 316 skeletal muscle and 423 plasma metabolites. We found 58 metabolites significantly altered in liver and 46 in skeletal muscle of MO offspring, including 8 metabolites shared between both tissues. Male and female-specific metabolites in opposite direction of change were found in liver and skeletal muscle of MO offspring. Several tissue-specific and 4 shared metabolic pathways were identified from these dysregulated metabolites. Interestingly, none of the tissue-specific metabolic alterations reflected in plasma. Our results identify tissue metabolites and pathways in post-pubertal MO offspring in a sex-specific manner. |
Institute | Wake Forest School of Medicine |
Last Name | Ampong |
First Name | Isaac |
Address | Center for Precision Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Section on Molecular Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States | | |
Phone | 3367162091 |
Submit Date | 2022-08-02 |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | mzML |
Analysis Type Detail | GC-MS |
Release Date | 2022-08-31 |
Release Version | 1 |
Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:
Project ID: | PR001442 |
Project DOI: | doi: 10.21228/M8B71S |
Project Title: | Maternal obesity alters offspring liver and skeletal muscle metabolism in early post-puberty despite maintaining a normal post-weaning dietary lifestyle |
Project Summary: | Maternal obesity (MO) during pregnancy is linked to increased and premature risk of age-related metabolic diseases in the offspring. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms still remain not fully understood. Using a well-established baboon model of MO, we analyzed tissue biopsies and plasma samples obtained from post-pubertal offspring (3-6.5y at sample collection) of MO mothers (n=19) and from control animals born to mothers fed a standard diet (CON, n=13). All offspring ate normal chow diet after weaning. With an untargeted gas chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomics profiling, we quantified a total of 351 liver, 316 skeletal muscle and 423 plasma metabolites. We found 58 metabolites significantly altered in liver and 46 in skeletal muscle of MO offspring, including 8 metabolites shared between both tissues. Male and female-specific metabolites in opposite direction of change were found in liver and skeletal muscle of MO offspring. Several tissue-specific and 4 shared metabolic pathways were identified from these dysregulated metabolites. Interestingly, none of the tissue-specific metabolic alterations reflected in plasma. Our results identify tissue metabolites and pathways in post-pubertal MO offspring in a sex-specific manner. |
Institute: | Wake Forest School of Medicine |
Department: | Department of Internal Medicine |
Laboratory: | Olivier Lab |
Last Name: | Ampong |
First Name: | Isaac |
Address: | Center for Precision Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Section on Molecular Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States |
Email: | |
Phone: | 3367162091 |
Subject ID: | SU002340 |
Subject Type: | Mammal |
Subject Species: | Papio hamadryas |
Taxonomy ID: | 9557 |
Species Group: | Mammals |
Subject type: Mammal; Subject species: Papio hamadryas (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id | local_sample_id | Sample type |
SA216995 | L34776 | LIVER |
SA216996 | L34832 | LIVER |
SA216997 | L34210 | LIVER |
SA216998 | L34163 | LIVER |
SA216999 | L34155 | LIVER |
SA217000 | L34867 | LIVER |
SA217001 | L34165 | LIVER |
SA217002 | L34913 | LIVER |
SA217003 | L35315 | LIVER |
SA217004 | L36492 | LIVER |
SA217005 | L34984 | LIVER |
SA217006 | L34953 | LIVER |
SA217007 | L33895 | LIVER |
SA217008 | L34952 | LIVER |
SA217009 | L32650 | LIVER |
SA217010 | L34906 | LIVER |
SA217011 | L32927 | LIVER |
SA217012 | L34156 | LIVER |
SA217013 | L34160 | LIVER |
SA217014 | L32862 | LIVER |
SA217015 | L32798 | LIVER |
SA217016 | L33893 | LIVER |
SA217017 | L32771 | LIVER |
SA217018 | L34172 | LIVER |
SA217019 | L34166 | LIVER |
SA217020 | L33857 | LIVER |
SA217021 | L33873 | LIVER |
SA217022 | L33601 | LIVER |
SA217023 | L33472 | LIVER |
SA217024 | L34777 | LIVER |
SA217025 | L32732 | LIVER |
SA217026 | L33308 | LIVER |
SA217027 | LQC22 | NIST PLASMA |
SA217028 | LQC11 | NIST PLASMA |
SA217029 | LQC33 | NIST PLASMA |
SA217030 | LQC66 | NIST PLASMA |
SA217031 | LQC44 | NIST PLASMA |
SA217032 | LQC55 | NIST PLASMA |
SA217033 | P34832 | PLASMA |
SA217034 | P34867 | PLASMA |
SA217035 | P34776 | PLASMA |
SA217036 | P34210 | PLASMA |
SA217037 | P34906 | PLASMA |
SA217038 | P34777 | PLASMA |
SA217039 | P34952 | PLASMA |
SA217040 | P36492 | PLASMA |
SA217041 | P35315 | PLASMA |
SA217042 | P34984 | PLASMA |
SA217043 | P34953 | PLASMA |
SA217044 | P34913 | PLASMA |
SA217045 | P34172 | PLASMA |
SA217046 | P32732 | PLASMA |
SA217047 | P32650 | PLASMA |
SA217048 | P33472 | PLASMA |
SA217049 | P32771 | PLASMA |
SA217050 | P32862 | PLASMA |
SA217051 | P34166 | PLASMA |
SA217052 | P33308 | PLASMA |
SA217053 | P32927 | PLASMA |
SA217054 | P33601 | PLASMA |
SA217055 | P32798 | PLASMA |
SA217056 | P34160 | PLASMA |
SA217057 | P34163 | PLASMA |
SA217058 | P33857 | PLASMA |
SA217059 | P34165 | PLASMA |
SA217060 | P34156 | PLASMA |
SA217061 | P33873 | PLASMA |
SA217062 | P33893 | PLASMA |
SA217063 | P33895 | PLASMA |
SA217064 | P34155 | PLASMA |
SA217065 | 34906 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217066 | 34867 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217067 | 34777 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217068 | 34776 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217069 | 34832 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217070 | 35315 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217071 | 36492 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217072 | 34210 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217073 | 34984 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217074 | 34953 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217075 | 34952 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217076 | 34913 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217077 | 34155 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217078 | 32927 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217079 | 33308 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217080 | 33472 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217081 | 32862 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217082 | 32798 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217083 | 32650 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217084 | 32732 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217085 | 32771 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217086 | 33601 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217087 | 33857 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217088 | 34163 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217089 | 34165 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217090 | 34166 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217091 | 34160 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217092 | 34156 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217093 | 33873 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
SA217094 | 33893 | SKELETAL MUSCLE |
Collection ID: | CO002333 |
Collection Summary: | The liver, skeletal muscle and plasma samples consisted of 32 samples each which were obtained from post-pubertal offspring (3-6.5y at sample collection) of MO mothers (n=19) and from control animals born to mothers fed a standard diet (CON, n=13). The datasets were generated from metabolic profiling of these tissues and plasma samples collected from 17 females in the age range of 3-6.5 years and 13 males in the same age range. All were analyzed using an untargeted EI-GC-MS approach as described above. |
Sample Type: | Liver |
Treatment ID: | TR002352 |
Treatment Summary: | We analyzed liver and muscle biopsies and plasma samples obtained from the post-pubertal offspring (3-6.5 years old at sample collection) of MO mothers (n=19, 10 females and 9 males) and from control animals born to mothers fed a standard diet (n=13, 6 females and 7 males). All offspring animals ate normal chow diet after weaning so differences between groups are due to the impact of the maternal intrauterine environment. |
Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP002346 |
Sampleprep Summary: | 15 μL of plasma, liver or skeletal muscle samples were subjected to sequential solvent extraction, once each with 1 mL of acetonitrile: isopropanol: water (3:3:2) and 500 μL of acetonitrile: water (1:1) mixtures at 4°C [14]. An internal standard, adonitol (2 μL from 10 mg/ml stock) was added to each aliquot prior to the extraction. The extracts were dried under vacuum at 4°C prior to chemical derivatization (silylation reactions). Blank tubes without samples, were treated similarly as sample tubes and added to account for background noise and other sources of contamination. Samples and blanks were sequentially derivatized with meth-oxyamine hydrochloride (MeOX) and 1% TMCS in N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) or 1% TMCS containing N-(t-butyldimethylsilyl)-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA) as described elsewhere [15]. Briefly, the steps involved addition of 20 μL of MeOX (20 mg mL-1) in pyridine incu-bated at 55°C for 60 min followed by trimethylsilylation at 60°C for 60 min after adding 80 μL MTBSTFA. |
Combined analysis:
Analysis ID | AN003682 |
Analysis type | MS |
Chromatography type | GC |
Chromatography system | Thermo Trace 1310 |
Column | Thermo Scientific Trace GOLD TG-5SIL-MS |
MS Type | EI |
MS instrument type | QTRAP |
MS instrument name | Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap |
Ion Mode | POSITIVE |
Units | Normalized Peak Intensities |
Chromatography ID: | CH002730 |
Instrument Name: | Thermo Trace 1310 |
Column Name: | Thermo Scientific Trace GOLD TG-5SIL-MS |
Chromatography Type: | GC |
MS ID: | MS003433 |
Analysis ID: | AN003682 |
Instrument Name: | Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap |
Instrument Type: | QTRAP |
MS Type: | EI |
MS Comments: | Data acquisition and instrument control were carried out using Xcalibur 4.3 and Trace-Finder 4.1 softwares MS-DIAL |
Ion Mode: | POSITIVE |