Studies involving sample source:B-cells

Study ID Study Title Species Institute
ST000110SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Both positive and ion mode FTMS)HumanUniversity of Kentucky
ST000113SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Positive ion mode FTMS)HumanUniversity of Kentucky
ST000114SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose mediumHumanUniversity of Kentucky
ST002140Mitochondrial respiration in B lymphocytes is essential for humoral immunity by controlling flux of the TCA cycleMouseUniversity of Erlangen-Nürnberg
ST002876High Level Expression of NSD2 Creates a Metabolic Dependency in Multiple MyelomaHumanUniversity of Florida
ST003047Defective mitochondria remodelling in B cells leads to an aged immune responseMouseConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

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