Summary of all studies containing PUBCHEM ID 439195

Project Study Study_title Subject_type Subject_species Metabolite_name
PR000668 ST000978 Metabolomics biomarkers and the risk of overall mortality and ESRD in CKD: results from the Progredir Cohort. Human Homo sapiens arabinose [Data]
PR001458 ST002277 Skin-to-blood pH shift triggers metabolome and proteome global remodelling in Staphylococcus epidermidis Bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis Arabinose [Data]
PR001467 ST002287 Enhanced systemic commensal E. coli immunogenicity through minor alteration of the metabolic profile Bacteria Escherichia coli Arabinose [Data]
PR001791 ST002868 Pathogenic Staphylococcus epidermidis ICE25 response to skin and blood pH Bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis Arabinose [Data]
PR001910 ST003064 Metabolic responses of Amaranthus caudatus roots and leaves to zinc stress Plant Amaranthus caudatus L. Arabinose [Data]
PR001910 ST003064 Metabolic responses of Amaranthus caudatus roots and leaves to zinc stress Plant Amaranthus caudatus L. Arabinose_1_1MEOX4TMS [Data]
PR001910 ST003064 Metabolic responses of Amaranthus caudatus roots and leaves to zinc stress Plant Amaranthus caudatus L. Arabinose_2_1MEOX4TMS [Data]
PR000901 ST001324 Metabolomics Adaptation of Juvenile Pacific Abalone Haliotis discus hannai to Heat Stress Invertebrate Haliotis discus hannai L-Arabinose [Data]
PR001170 ST001855 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition (Part 1) Mammal Mus musculus L-Arabinose [Data]
PR001253 ST001968 Analytical methodology for a metabolome atlas of goat’s plasma, milk and feces using 1H-NMR and UHPLC-HRMS:MS/plasma Mammal Capra hircus L-Arabinose [Data]