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MB Sample ID: SA015049

Local Sample ID:121079
Subject ID:SU000357
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Genotype Strain:Not applicable
Age Or Age Range:Variable
Weight Or Weight Range:Variable
Height Or Height Range:Variable
Human Race:Variable
Human Ethnicity:Variable
Human Trial Type:Not applicable
Human Lifestyle Factors:Not applicable
Human Medications:Not applicable
Human Prescription Otc:Not applicable
Human Smoking Status:Not applicable
Human Alcohol Drug Use:Not applicable
Human Nutrition:Not applicable
Human Inclusion Criteria:Deceased organ donor with consent for use of tissue for research
Human Exclusion Criteria:None
Animal Animal Supplier:in house/in house
Subject Comments:Liver biopsy is routinely performed on livers used for solid organ transplantation. The tissue is from decedent subjects. Consent for use of tissue is obtained at the time of organ donation by the local organ procurement organization.
Species Group:Human

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Collection ID:CO000351
Collection Summary:A wedge biopsy of the right lobe of the liver is routinely obtained prior to transplantation. The sample is immediately flash frozen in the operating room and subsequently transferred to Ochsner Biobank for sample storage.
Sample Type:Liver Tissue
Collection Method:Open biopsy during cold storage preservation of organ for transplant
Collection Location:Operating room of liver transplant during
Collection Frequency:Single sample prior to transplant
Collection Duration:Not applicable
Collection Time:Not applicable
Volumeoramount Collected:~50mg
Storage Conditions:-180 degree C, liquid nitrogen vapor phase
Collection Vials:ThermoScientific CryoTube vials, 1.8mL
Storage Vials:ThermoScientific CryoTube vials, 1.8mL
Collection Tube Temp:-70 degree liguid nitrogen flash freezing
Blood Serum Or Plasma:N/A
Tissue Cell Identification:N/A
Tissue Cell Quantity Taken:N/A