Summary of Study ST001660
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001065. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M81Q3K This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
This study contains a large results data set and is not available in the mwTab file. It is only available for download via FTP as data file(s) here.
Study ID | ST001660 |
Study Title | Plasmodium falciparum metabolomics as a result of treatment with putative acetyl-CoA synthetase inhibitors |
Study Summary | Plasmodium falciparum cells in culture were treated with respective compounds for 2.5 hours at 10xIC50 values. Metabolites were isolated using 90% methanol, dried, reconstituted in HPLC-grade water, and analyzed by HPLC/MS. Resulting data were analyzed and compiled to generate study data. |
Institute | Pennsylvania State University |
Department | Chemistry |
Laboratory | Llinás Laboratory |
Last Name | Llinás |
First Name | Manuel |
Address | W126 Millennium Science Complex, University Park, PENNSYLVANIA, 16802, USA | | |
Phone | 814-867-3444 |
Submit Date | 2021-01-22 |
Num Groups | 3 |
Total Subjects | 24 |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | mzXML |
Analysis Type Detail | LC-MS |
Release Date | 2021-06-01 |
Release Version | 1 |
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Treatment ID: | TR001750 |
Treatment Summary: | Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 parasites were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium and magnetically enriched to increase the infected to uninfected RBC ratio. Following hemocytometer counts, 1x10^8 parasites were measured per condition into 5 mL of total media for 2.5 hours in the presence of drug. No treatment or ND represents control parasites without additional alterations. Compounds (MMV...) are test compounds that were added at 10xIC50 value for the experimental duration. Blanks are sample tubes that follow the same procedures as samples following the quenching of metabolism. Both Pool and QC samples are combined samples of all samples from the analytical batch on that particular day. Dates in YYYYMMDD format are appended to individual samples to indicate the batch in which they were processed. |
Treatment Protocol Filename: | Metabolite_Extraction_for_LCMS_2017.pdf |
Treatment Compound: | MMV084978, MMV019721 |
Treatment Route: | Transfer to media by pipette |
Treatment Dose: | 10xIC50 |
Treatment Dosevolume: | 5 uL or less |
Treatment Doseduration: | 2.5 hours |
Treatment Vehicle: | DMSO |
Cell Storage: | Temperature and gas composition controlled incubator |
Cell Growth Container: | 6-well plate |
Cell Growth Config: | 5 mL in each sample well, 1x10^8 infected red blood cells per well, conditions performed in triplicate |
Cell Media: | RPMI 1640 containing Albumax, Gentamycin, Hypoxanthine, HEPES, Sodium Bicarbonate |