Summary of Study ST001935
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001224. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8H12N This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
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Study ID | ST001935 |
Study Title | Metabolomic profiling of spontaneous macaque model for diabetes mellitus |
Study Summary | The prevalence of diabetes mellitus has been increasing for decades worldwide. To develop safe and potent therapeutics, insights into the mechanisms underlying its pathogenesis are urgently needed. We reported the multi-omics profiling of the liver and sera of both peripheral blood and hepatic portal vein blood from Macaca fascicularis with spontaneous diabetes mellitus with a chow diet. The other two groups of the monkeys fed with chow diet and high-sugar high-fat (HSHF) diet, respectively, were included for comparison. These multi-omics datasets can provide a comprehensive picture of the molecular changes caused by diabetes in primates. Analyses of various omics datasets revealed the alterations of high consistency. Correlation between transcripts and proteins derived from the same genes was observed across individuals for most genes, especially the ones of differential expression. As a result, we found that distinct patterns of the metabolome, proteome, and transcriptome between spontaneous diabetes and HSHF diet-induced diabetes compared with healthy individuals. |
Institute | Xiamen University |
Last Name | Yang |
First Name | Zhu |
Address | OEW901, Oen Hall Building West Wing,, Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University | | |
Phone | (+852)34115162 |
Submit Date | 2021-09-18 |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | mzXML |
Analysis Type Detail | GC-MS |
Release Date | 2022-02-19 |
Release Version | 1 |
Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:
Project ID: | PR001224 |
Project DOI: | doi: 10.21228/M8H12N |
Project Title: | Metabolomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic profiling of spontaneous macaque model for diabetes mellitus |
Project Summary: | The prevalence of diabetes mellitus has been increasing for decades worldwide. To develop safe and potent therapeutics, insights into the mechanisms underlying its pathogenesis are urgently needed. We reported the multi-omics profiling of the liver and sera of both peripheral blood and hepatic portal vein blood from Macaca fascicularis with spontaneous diabetes mellitus with a chow diet. The other two groups of the monkeys fed with chow diet and high-sugar high-fat (HSHF) diet, respectively, were included for comparison. These multi-omics datasets can provide a comprehensive picture of the molecular changes caused by diabetes in primates. Analyses of various omics datasets revealed the alterations of high consistency. Correlation between transcripts and proteins derived from the same genes was observed across individuals for most genes, especially the ones of differential expression. As a result, we found that distinct patterns of the metabolome, proteome, and transcriptome between spontaneous diabetes and HSHF diet-induced diabetes compared with healthy individuals. |
Institute: | Hong Kong Baptist University |
Last Name: | Yang |
First Name: | Zhu |
Address: | OEW901, Oen Hall Building West Wing,, Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University |
Email: | |
Phone: | (+852)34115162 |
Subject ID: | SU002013 |
Subject Type: | Mammal |
Subject Species: | Macaca fascicularis |
Taxonomy ID: | 9541 |
Age Or Age Range: | 16.3 - 18.8 yo |
Weight Or Weight Range: | 5.73 - 10.56 kg |
Gender: | Male |
Animal Animal Supplier: | Guangzhou Huazhen Biosciences Co., Ltd, Guangzhou |
Animal Housing: | Guangzhou Huazhen Biosciences Co., Ltd, Guangzhou |
Animal Light Cycle: | 12-h/12-h light-dark cycle |
Animal Feed: | normal food (19.26 % protein, 5% fat, no sugar, and no cholesterol), or high-fat and high-sugar (HFHS) food (≥ 30% sugar, ≥ 15% fat, ≥ 10.5% protein, and ≥ 0.5% cholesterol) |
Animal Inclusion Criteria: | spontaneous diabetes mellitus and HFHS food-fed |
Species Group: | Mammals |
Subject type: Mammal; Subject species: Macaca fascicularis (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id | local_sample_id | Condition | Tissue |
SA181877 | HFD-HPVB-1 | HFHS | HPVB |
SA181878 | HFD-HPVB-3 | HFHS | HPVB |
SA181879 | HFD-HPVB-2 | HFHS | HPVB |
SA181880 | HFD-Liver-2 | HFHS | Liver |
SA181881 | HFD-Liver-3 | HFHS | Liver |
SA181882 | HFD-Liver-1 | HFHS | Liver |
SA181883 | HFD-PB1 | HFHS | PB |
SA181884 | HFD-PB3 | HFHS | PB |
SA181885 | HFD-PB2 | HFHS | PB |
SA181886 | Nomal-HPVB-1 | NC | HPVB |
SA181887 | Nomal-HPVB-3 | NC | HPVB |
SA181888 | Nomal-HPVB-2 | NC | HPVB |
SA181889 | Normal-Liver-2 | NC | Liver |
SA181890 | Normal-Liver-3 | NC | Liver |
SA181891 | Normal-Liver-1 | NC | Liver |
SA181892 | Nomal-PB-1 | NC | PB |
SA181893 | Nomal-PB-3 | NC | PB |
SA181894 | Nomal-PB-2 | NC | PB |
SA181895 | Diabetes-HPVB-3 | sDM | HPVB |
SA181896 | Diabetes-HPVB-1 | sDM | HPVB |
SA181897 | Diabetes-HPVB-2 | sDM | HPVB |
SA181898 | Diabetes-Liver-3 | sDM | Liver |
SA181899 | Diabetes-Liver-1 | sDM | Liver |
SA181900 | Diabetes-Liver-2 | sDM | Liver |
SA181901 | Diabetes-PB1 | sDM | PB |
SA181902 | Diabetes-PB3 | sDM | PB |
SA181903 | Diabetes-PB2 | sDM | PB |
Showing results 1 to 27 of 27 |
Collection ID: | CO002006 |
Collection Summary: | All macaques were sacrificed at about 18 years old, and the liver, PB, and HPVB samples were collected. Both blood samples were centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 10 min at 4°C immediately to separate sera. All samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until use. The study protocol received prior approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Huazhen Biosciences. |
Sample Type: | Blood (serum) and Liver |
Treatment ID: | TR002025 |
Treatment Summary: | Male Macaca fascicularis of about 18 years old were bought from Huazhen Biosciences (Guangzhou, China). All macaques were born from 16th August 2001 to 11th February 2004 (Supplemental Table S1) and housed in the animal rooms maintained at 16 ~ 26 °C and 40% ~ 70% room humidity on a 12-h/12-h light-dark cycle. All macaques of both NC and sDM groups were fed with the normal food (19.26 % protein, 5% fat, no sugar, and no cholesterol), whereas the HFHS monkeys were grown up on the same diet until switching to the high-fat and high-sugar (HFHS) food (≥ 30% sugar, ≥ 15% fat, ≥ 10.5% protein, and ≥ 0.5% cholesterol) on 1st March 2019 (Fig. 1a). After one year of food change, blood and urine samples were collected. |
Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP002019 |
Sampleprep Summary: | The hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds were extracted using methanol/water and MTBE/methanol/water solvent systems, respectively. Samples were first thawed on ice. To extract hydrophilic metabolites from the tissue samples, 1 ml of methanol/water (7:3, v/v) was added to 50 mg of the liver, and homogenized with steel balls for 3 min at 30 Hz, followed by 1 min of a vortex. The homogenate was then centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 10 min at 4°C to collect the supernatant. Hydrophobic compounds were extracted from another 50 mg using a slightly modified protocol. Homogenization was done with 1 ml of MTBE/methanol (10:3, v/v) and 100 µl of water was mixed with the homogenate to extract before centrifugation. For the sera of PB and HPVB, 3 volumes (v/v) of methanol and a mixture of MTBE and methanol (10:3, v/v) were whirled with the serum samples for 3 min, followed by centrifugation at 12,000 rpm for 10 min at 4°C. All collected supernatants were dried and store at -80°C until LC-MS/MS analysis. Internal standards were dissolved in the solvents before extraction. |
Combined analysis:
Analysis ID | AN003145 | AN003146 | AN003147 | AN003148 |
Analysis type | MS | MS | MS | MS |
Chromatography type | Reversed phase | Reversed phase | Reversed phase | Reversed phase |
Chromatography system | Shim-pack UFLC SHIMADZU CBM A system | Shim-pack UFLC SHIMADZU CBM A system | Shim-pack UFLC SHIMADZU CBM A system | Shim-pack UFLC SHIMADZU CBM A system |
Column | Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um) | Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um) | Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um) | Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um) |
MS Type | ESI | ESI | ESI | ESI |
MS instrument type | Triple quadrupole | Triple quadrupole | Triple quadrupole | Triple quadrupole |
MS instrument name | ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap | ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap | ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap | ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap |
Units | Peak area | Peak area | Peak area | Peak area |
Chromatography ID: | CH002327 |
Chromatography Summary: | The analysis of hydrophilic metabolites used 0.1% formic acid (in water) and acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid as mobile phases, with a gradient (V/V) as following: 95:5 at 0 min, 10:90 at 11.0 min, 10:90 at 12.0 min, 95:5 at 12.1 min, and 95:5 at 14.0 min. |
Instrument Name: | Shim-pack UFLC SHIMADZU CBM A system |
Column Name: | Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um) |
Flow Gradient: | 95:5 at 0 min, 10:90 at 11.0 min, 10:90 at 12.0 min, 95:5 at 12.1 min, and 95:5 at 14.0 min. |
Solvent A: | 100% water; 0.1% formic acid |
Solvent B: | 100% acetonitrile; 0.1% formic acid |
Chromatography Type: | Reversed phase |
Chromatography ID: | CH002328 |
Chromatography Summary: | The two mobile phases for hydrophobic compounds were 0.04% acetic acid and acetonitrile with 0.04% acetic acid, and the gradient (V/V) program was 95:5 at 0 min, 5:95 at 11.0 min, 5:95 at 12.0 min, 95:5 at 12.1 min and 95:5 at 14.0 min. |
Instrument Name: | Shim-pack UFLC SHIMADZU CBM A system |
Column Name: | Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um) |
Flow Gradient: | 95:5 at 0 min, 5:95 at 11.0 min, 5:95 at 12.0 min, 95:5 at 12.1 min and 95:5 at 14.0 min. |
Solvent A: | 100% water; 0.04% acetic acid |
Solvent B: | 100% acetonitrile; 0.04% acetic acid |
Chromatography Type: | Reversed phase |
MS ID: | MS002925 |
Analysis ID: | AN003145 |
Instrument Name: | ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap |
Instrument Type: | Triple quadrupole |
MS Type: | ESI |
MS Comments: | LIT and triple quadrupole (QQQ) scans were acquired in both positive and negative ion modes under the control of Analyst 1.6.3 software (Sciex, Washington, USA). The ion spray voltage (IS) of the ESI source was 5500 and -4500 V for positive and negative modes, respectively. Source temperature was set at 500 C, ion source gas I (GSI), gas II (GSII), curtain gas (CUR) at 55, 60, and 25.0 psi, respectively, and collision gas (CAD) high. Instrument tuning and mass calibration in QQQ and LIT modes were performed with 10 and 100 μmol/L polypropylene glycol solutions, respectively. Specific sets of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions of various periods of retention time were monitored according to an in-house library of metabolites. |
Ion Mode: | POSITIVE |
MS ID: | MS002926 |
Analysis ID: | AN003146 |
Instrument Name: | ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap |
Instrument Type: | Triple quadrupole |
MS Type: | ESI |
MS Comments: | LIT and triple quadrupole (QQQ) scans were acquired in both positive and negative ion modes under the control of Analyst 1.6.3 software (Sciex, Washington, USA). The ion spray voltage (IS) of the ESI source was 5500 and -4500 V for positive and negative modes, respectively. Source temperature was set at 500 C, ion source gas I (GSI), gas II (GSII), curtain gas (CUR) at 55, 60, and 25.0 psi, respectively, and collision gas (CAD) high. Instrument tuning and mass calibration in QQQ and LIT modes were performed with 10 and 100 μmol/L polypropylene glycol solutions, respectively. Specific sets of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions of various periods of retention time were monitored according to an in-house library of metabolites. |
Ion Mode: | NEGATIVE |
MS ID: | MS002927 |
Analysis ID: | AN003147 |
Instrument Name: | ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap |
Instrument Type: | Triple quadrupole |
MS Type: | ESI |
MS Comments: | LIT and triple quadrupole (QQQ) scans were acquired in both positive and negative ion modes under the control of Analyst 1.6.3 software (Sciex, Washington, USA). The ion spray voltage (IS) of the ESI source was 5500 and -4500 V for positive and negative modes, respectively. Source temperature was set at 500 C, ion source gas I (GSI), gas II (GSII), curtain gas (CUR) at 55, 60, and 25.0 psi, respectively, and collision gas (CAD) high. Instrument tuning and mass calibration in QQQ and LIT modes were performed with 10 and 100 μmol/L polypropylene glycol solutions, respectively. Specific sets of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions of various periods of retention time were monitored according to an in-house library of metabolites. |
Ion Mode: | POSITIVE |
MS ID: | MS002928 |
Analysis ID: | AN003148 |
Instrument Name: | ABI Sciex 6500 QTrap |
Instrument Type: | Triple quadrupole |
MS Type: | ESI |
MS Comments: | LIT and triple quadrupole (QQQ) scans were acquired in both positive and negative ion modes under the control of Analyst 1.6.3 software (Sciex, Washington, USA). The ion spray voltage (IS) of the ESI source was 5500 and -4500 V for positive and negative modes, respectively. Source temperature was set at 500 C, ion source gas I (GSI), gas II (GSII), curtain gas (CUR) at 55, 60, and 25.0 psi, respectively, and collision gas (CAD) high. Instrument tuning and mass calibration in QQQ and LIT modes were performed with 10 and 100 μmol/L polypropylene glycol solutions, respectively. Specific sets of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions of various periods of retention time were monitored according to an in-house library of metabolites. |
Ion Mode: | NEGATIVE |